NIA Development

NIA Development

In 1983 BNIA set about to assess its role in the community and to develop long range plans for its future development. In 1984, a neighborhood survey funded by the New York Community Trust led to the planning and establishment of NIA Development. NIA Development is an economic development project of BNIA which seeks to counter balance the housing counseling and community organizing activities with physical development and maintenance of housing.

NIA Development was formally launched on November 1, 1986 and provides Technical assistance and services in the areas of housing management, housing rehabilitation, project management, financial packaging and housing maintenance.

NIA Development has developed various housing projects resulting in over 475 units of affordable housing. The followings are the developed housing projects:

  • Kianga House – Completed Kianga House in 1988, a transitional facility for homeless single mothers and their children. To date, Kianga House has been responsible for placing over 600 families into permanent housing.
  • St. Johns Place Family Center – 102 units of transitional housing
  • Joint Approach – 8 units of permanent sweat equity cooperative housing
  • Veterans Arms Apartments – 19 units of rental housing for veterans
  • Hewitt House – 69 units of affordable rental housing
  • Crown Prospect Houses – 120 units of affordable rental housing
  • Bankole Houses – 42 units of affordable housing for low & mod income
  • Iyanu Houses (NRP) – 38 units of low and moderate income housing
  • Livonia Houses – 11 units of affordable housing
  • Aspire Houses Phase I – 11 units of affordable housing
  • Aspire Houses Phase II – 24 units of affordable housing
  • BNIA/Stuyvesant Houses – 142 units of affordable rental housing

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