• Ajoshe Homes HDFC, Inc.

    Ajoshe Homes HDFC Ajoshe Homes HDFC, Inc. –was established in 2004 to promote homeownership in Brownsville and Ocean Hill under NYC Department of housing Preservation and Development (HPD).  Ajoshe Homes rehabilitated and marketed 5 properties as 1-to-3 family homes for first time homebuyers.  

  • Livonia Houses HDFC, Inc

    Livonia Houses HDFC Livonia Houses HDFC, Inc. –was established by BNIA in 2005 to acquire and develop properties in Brownsville and Ocean Hill sections of Brooklyn (Community Board #16) under United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 203k program.  Using a combination of grant from HUD and loan

  • NIA Homes HDFC, Inc

    NIA Homes HDFC NIA Homes HDFC, Inc. –was established in 1998 by BNIA to develop affordable homeownership in Crown Heights under NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD).  NIA Homes rehabilitated and sold 8 properties to low and moderate income families.  

  • Aspire Houses HDFC, Inc.

    Aspire Houses HDFC Aspire Houses HDFC, Inc. –BNIA founded Aspire Houses, HDFC in 2003 to acquire, develop and manage properties in Crown Heights and Bedford Stuyvesant under HPD’s Third Party Transfer Program (TPTP).  Aspire Houses was awarded 5 occupied and 2 vacant buildings under the Participating Loan Program (PLP).  The

  • Iyanu Houses Limited Partnership

    Iyanu Houses Limited Partnership Iyanu Houses Limited Partnership –was established by BNIA in 2005 to increase the number of affordable housing units in Brownsville and Ocean Hill (Community Board #16).  Iyanu Houses has developed 5 buildings as 42 units of low and moderate housing under the NYC-HPD Neighborhood Redevelopment Program

  • Bankole Houses Limited Partnership

    Bankole Houses Limited Partnership Bankole Houses Limited Partnership –is a limited partnership established by BNIA in 2003 to develop 4 properties as affordable rental housing under the NYC-HPD Neighborhood Redevelopment Program (NRP).  The 4 buildings provide 42 units of affordable rental housing to low and moderate income families.  

  • Crown Prospect Associate HDFC, Inc.

    Crown Prospect Associate HDFC Crown Prospect Associate HDFC, Inc. –Developed under the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and Enterprise Affordable Housing Program, this project was incorporated in March, 1990.  It consists of 17 scattered-site properties rehabilitated to produce 120 units of affordable housing for low and moderate

  • Kianga House HDFC

    Kianga House HDFC Kianga House HDFC –was developed in 1988 in conjunction with the Sisterhood of Black Single Mothers.  The 4 story limestone building was rehabilitated to provide 17 units of housing for homeless women and their babies.  BNIA is under contract with the NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS)

  • Hewitt Houses Associate HDFC, Inc.

    Hewitt Houses Associate HDFC Hewitt Houses Associate HDFC, Inc. –was incorporated in 1989 and developed under NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) and Enterprise Affordable Housing Program.  It consists of 2 contiguous properties rehabilitated to produce 69 units of affordable housing for low and moderate income families.